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Byte Size – when 300 words are enough

We’ve been writing about games for quite some time in one publication or another and given the obvious changes in culture over those years it makes sense for us to re-evaluate how best to deliver our thoughts.

We have traditionally targeted 800 – 900 words for an average length review, sometimes its easy to be tighter and sometimes its easy to run will up to 1,500 words if the mood takes you. But here’s the rub.

We have come to realise that people aren’t reading like they used to, society is harder and faster, tastes have changed and while we have delivered some pretty impressive video content this year (thanks to Guy) its become more and more clear to us that we need to try a new tack.

We will never be young and hip streamers or lauded journalists that can rattle off a thesis on a game everybody loves anyway.

We are hardworking folks that enjoy pushing our hobby and sharing what we think, squeezing as much into our spare time as possible.

So here it is, thanks in part to a conversation struck up with @GamejunkieNZ we are launching a new format review, Byte Size. Smaller and digestible reviews, hoping to be quick, clear and concise within a 300 to 350 word limit. It’s a nod to the time poor, it’s a chance for us to keep the content turning and it’s a chance for you to share something that your attention deficit friends may well digest before flicking onto the next link.

Keep an eye on the site and our social media this week, we have a few Byte Sizers to drop and give this new feature a run.

Thanks for sticking with us for the last 285ish words.

Richard, Guy and Barrie.