Chill Gaming

Byte Size ReviewGamingIndie GamePS5

Exo One, Byte Size Review, PS5

I have been playing video games for a heap of years now…(I’m getting so old). I can honestly say the most important change I have seen to this hobby I love, is the arrival of legit, top tier Indie Developers. They are brave, ingenious, and creative. They tread where big developers are too scared too, and offer such a massive array of experiences.

Exo One is the perfect example of this. Unique, beautiful, fun, and relaxing. 

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Byte Size ReviewGaming

Fish Game

Fish Game you say?

I wasn’t sure what to think when the editor asked me to review early access code of a fish tank simulator – yep, another entrant in the simulator genre.

This time where  you create fish tanks, populate them with a variety of fish and plants then work to ensure a thriving ecosystem develops – but you know what, it’s a supremely chill experience that I’m enjoying so far.

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