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Biomutant, PS4 Review

Biomutant, where to begin? A post apocalyptic RPG set in a world not unlike ours, albeit when ours is the ‘before times’.

We felt the sprawling nature of Biomutant would be a good opportunity to team up Richard and Dylan, let’s see.

A world poisoned by toxicity, inhabited by mutated creatures instead of people. Living their simple lives in a pseudo medieval-samurai-esque setting.

Biomutant has a colourful open world, liberally peppered with ruins of humanity. Shells of buildings and rusted cars, intersected with skeletal tracks of Chuggers, sorry, trains.

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GamingGame ReviewsMicrosoftPlaystationPS5Xbox Series X

Monster Jam – Steel Titans 2 Review (XSX)

Have to admit to not being a petrol head in any way, shape, or form. I actually don’t even have a Drivers Licence, well a Learners Licence from the mid 90’s but that doesn’t count.

But I have seen some of this Monster Truck shenanigans on the telly. And very entertaining it was. Games of this ilk are always interesting. The challenge of blending big silly trucks with real world physics is always going to be a challenge without losing the fun aspect. 

So how does this Monster Jam?

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