Forza Horizon Review (xbox360)
“It is a great quality product, but I can’t buy into a game that forces me to be something I’m not.”

Set in a pseudo section of Colorado countryside, Forza is an open world racer that allows you to tank around the beautiful and I mean really gorgeous landscape looking for your next events. The cars have that Forza look, shiny and sleek, they have that weight and presence that Forza cars have. Furthermore the cars handle like Forza cars and there are the standard mix of assists that can be removed for the dedicated or foolhardy, after completing the opening section you find yourself in the middle of the Horizon race meet thingy. There are cutscenes of car ‘enthusiasts’ doing their thing, people bopping to the latest radical dance tunes, fireworks and pretended promo girls hanging around to please the teens. It all looks great, especially when the game’s day/night cycle kicks in, but it is hard to link this narrative centric setup with Forza the brand.The game gradually unlocks as you level up your driver, this is staged by progressively earning wristbands to allow access to the higher ranks of the competition. These rewards are added to mainly by winning or at least taking part in races and building your reputation. While the map is extensive the action is controlled from a central hub, where the Horizon Meet is staged and here you get access to new events, a vinyl group paint shop, your garage and mechanic etc. All well and good, but it can get tiresome driving between them, incidentally there is a collect quest out in the field to smash one hundred discount signs – each enabling a 1% discount on purchases, which will save some winnings once you start shopping.

One thing I do like again is the presence of some gentle Kinect implementation, using the kit as a voice activated GPS can save you the trouble of negotiating waypoints on the map, just call out to the GPS for the next event and presto! Your route is revealed.
Where the game fails to impress is that there are few consequences for your actions, losing it on a corner and barreling into a tree at 220 kph might just scratch the front bumper. Another wheel spinning start and you are back on your merry way, it’s a little grating when the world and the cars are built so well, you would hope that flipping a car onto its roof might be some cause for concern.
Multiplayer is a standalone section that offers a mixed bag of race modes that are offering a little more than any standard race meets, including a tag variant where crashing the leader makes you the pointing scoring leader until you are crashed into. An interesting diversion, but not online Forza by any shout. When the concept of Horizon was first announced, people assume that ‘open world’ and ‘online multiplayer’ will be one and the same, it may have been a direct decision by the developers, but when other franchises have and will offer better social connectivity it becomes an ‘almost ran’.
While there are areas of Horizon that do not cater for everybody, it does have at its core a solid build of racing mechanics and a varied environment to try them out in, the wealth of vehicles is excellent and the customisation options are plenty, if limited when compared to true Forza. The open world may be pretty, but it soon loses its impact as a method to get from one event to another. The one overriding thought that sits with me everytime I fire it up and start playing, is that I really owe it to the series to go back and spend more time with Forza4.