2019 – How did it stack up? (The Gerard Edition)
I realised that I didn’t play that many games this year, which is kind of sad. Here’s to a better 2020 (and Cyberpunk 2077 on PS4 Pro, thanks to my kids pre-ordering it for me for my birthday).
These are the most notable highlights.
Innocence: A Plague tale (PC, consoles)
A sleeper hit in my book that wasn’t played by nearly enough people. Set in 1300 France during the time of the Inquisition. A Plague Tale tells the story of Armicia and her brother Hugo who must escape the plague, the blood thirsty rats it brings, and the brutal Lord Nicolas and The Grand Inquisitor. Who want to use Hugo’s blood to give him immortality. It launched without fanfare but seriously, more people need to play this game and see just how wonderful it is.

Luigi’s Mansion 3 (Nintendo Switch)
The green-capped brother of everyone’s favourite plumber is back. In one of the Nintendo Switch’s funnest (is that a word?) games of the year. Although the name is a bit of a misnomer. This third edition doesn’t actually take place in a mansion, instead a haunted hotel. Luigi’s Mansion 3 shows just how Nintendo developers can eek every bit of performance from the handheld and produce a stunning game that is just a delight to play.

Red Dead Redemption 2 (PC)
Yes, the launch was borked by Rockstar. With numerous issues and patches that reset graphics presets, but, damn, with the right graphics card, this game is downright stunning. Despite being late to PC. RDR2 is one my best games of this generation with a gripping narrative and compelling cast. Throw in a photo mode that will have you literally stopping mid-ride at night to frame the perfect shot. It’s easy to see why it’s one my most played games of 2019.

Lonely Mountains Downhill:
This Kickstarter-backed indie game piqued my interest as it contains two things I love: Mountain biking & video games so I backed it. Two years later, it’s out and it nicely fills the mountain biking itch when you can’t actually get out on your bike. With a nice visual look & mountain trails that unlock as you progress, this is an indie game from a small German study worth a look if you’re a two-wheeled fan.