Classified: France ‘44 Review (PS5)
Tactical Turn-Based games like Classified: France ’44 Back were all the rage back in the day. With the likes of XCOM, Jagged Alliance, and Battle Tech leading the pack for me, I loved them. The PC was a perfect platform for this style of game and this is where I played them. Bringing this genre to console has definitely had its ups and downs. The inherent problem has always been the control setup. Recent releases, like Desperados 3, have definitely stepped up and in doing so opened up a great genre for the new generation of gamers to enjoy. Thankfully Classified: France ‘44, from Team17, keeps the ball rolling with a great interpretation of the classic WWII Turn-Based Tactical game.

Friends? Yes, Friends.
Your mission, to soften up the Nazis prior to the D-Day invasion. Dropped behind enemy lines you are tasked with gathering your squad and recruiting more Allies all while causing a bit of havoc for the German forces. Although it feels like there could be some internal conflict between members from different nations, nothing really comes of it. Although helping out the right groups will give you access to better equipment and weapons. As well as snazzy new outfits, even if you do have to stick to clothing from the respective nation for each squad member. No Beret for you, Yank!

Plan twice, Act Once.
Players for this genre will already understand the methodical, sometimes down right slow pace, planning that is need in these games. Classified: France ‘44 is no different. I have to admit to finding it a fair bit easier than games in the past. Maybe I have started to slow down and think things through in my old age. Or have Team17 eased up on the difficulty here? Either way I find games are always much more enjoyable if the frustration is at a minimum. So having an easy to pick up control scheme as well as a manageable difficulty level had me focusing on the mission at hand and having fun. Win – Win.

WWII In Colour.
Visually, as you would expect, Classified: France ‘44 is nothing spectacular. Not in a bad way. It is just that this style of game is never going to break any industry standards. In saying that through, the graphics are crisp and detailed with visibility handled well with the ability to spin the camera 90 degrees at a time. The cut scenes and menu set up gave me Deja Vu which I finally figured was due to playing Broken Lines recently. Very similar feel. The kill cam is nicely done and pulls you down into the action without removing control for too long.

Closing Comments.
I’m loving that Turn-Based Tactical games are making a come back on console and are extremely playable. Classified: France ‘44 is a great option for veterans and newbies alike. it is in-depth without being overwhelming and promises a lot in the way of updates and expansions. You can feel the English-ness in the game which is obviously thanks to new developer Absolutely Games being based in Guildford, UK. Definitely a promising start from a young studio. Bring on their next game.