Standing Tall

I stood up in front of 60 complete strangers and gave them some ‘horses mouth’ experience of my survivorship. I must admit, after a nervous journey to the venue I was quite pleased with myself by the end.
As an individual that does not enjoy being the centre of attention, refuses limelight at any opportunity and enjoys the anonimity of a well packed crowd this experience was not anywhere near my comfort zone.
It went well, I quite surprised myself and the top of my head only got wet at the end of the well timed 15 minutes. It was the first time I had ever used a microphone and I felt that it would actually be a useful addition to everyday life, and it was the first time I have ever been applauded by a group of people.
I was there on behalf of the NZ Leukaemia and Blood Foundation, so thanks to them for allowing me along and even more so, thanks to the attendees that let me talk to them.
It was a great day, with a real sense of purpose and on the back of global ‘Know Your Nodes’ day a great opportunity to spread some awareness. We also managed to give away a few copies of ‘taking chemo on the chin’, which has already had some great feedback and it was really good to get it in front of the people that matter.
Now, if only I could remember anything that I said….