Game ReviewsGamingPC / MacPS5Xbox Series X

Monster Hunter: Wilds, PS5 Review

I am narrative focused gamer 90% of the time. Monster Hunter: Wilds has a 9-10hr Campaign with a raft of characters all voiced and animated with extensive cut scenes…and when viewed solely as a narrative experience, it is exceptionally poor.

After the first 2hrs I even turned into KCs own Richards modus-operandi, of hammering the skip button on every cutscene!

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GamingHardwareHardware ReviewsPS5

The Playstation Portal, hands on

Christmas was upon us, and so was the time to buy prezzies for loved ones, or more importantly, buy cool shit for yourself. Cool shit like something that allows you to play PS5 games, lying prone on the couch, while recovering from too much Ham and Potato Salad!

The Playstation Portal sits in the weird middle-ground of looking and feeling like a top-tier portable video game machine, but having no actual processing power and needing to be tethered to a PS5 to be of any use.

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Game ReviewsGamingLEGOPlaystationPS5

Lego Horizon Adventures, PS5 Review

Lego Horizon, I suspect it is bit of a coup for Sony, getting Lego so on-board with their Horizon franchise.

Up until now Lego games have been reserved for the biggest of IPs, like Marvel, Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. And with a couple of caveats, I can say Lego: Horizon Adventures is a worthy entrant into this storied sub-genre of games, especially with how next-level gooooorgeous it is.

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Byte Size ReviewGamingPC / MacPS5Xbox Series SXbox Series X

Starship Troopers: Extermination, Byte-Size PS5 Review

Starship Troopers: Extermination was in early access on PC in 2023 and was officially released to console and PC in Oct 2024. This 2024 release however resulted in it being sent into the wild with a fatal weakness.

That being, the very similar Helldivers 2 arrived 6mths earlier, and Helldivers is better than Starship Troopers in every single imaginable way.

So, a tough place to start from.

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Game ReviewsGamingPC / MacPS5Xbox Series X

Black Ops 6, Call of Duty

Call of Duty season rolls around again, its almost Christmas and that means its time for new Black Ops.

After a couple of years with Infinity Ward helming the charge through Modern Warfare territory, and let’s be fair the 2023 instalment should have been DLC and a multiplayer update.

It is refreshing to be back in the hands of Treyarch, which as a die hard Infinity Ward fan caught me by surprise.

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Byte Size ReviewGamingPlaystationPS5

Until Dawn, PS5 Byte Size Review

Big thanks again to guest writer, Nina. Who sat down to a few sessions of scares, before flitting off for a month long holiday in Thailand!

When Until Dawn first released back in 2015, it was quickly considered the best-in-class thriller of its kind, especially in the mainstream space.

It makes sense, then, that Sony would want to put out a next-gen version of the game.

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Game ReviewsGamingPC / MacPlaystationPS5

God of War Ragnarok (PC)

Studio Santa Monica’s God of War from 2018 is one of my favourite games in recent memory (despite what the dear editor of this esteemed site thinks of it), which they deftly followed up with God of War Ragnarok.

I sank numerous hours into the original game, featuring grizzled and rough-edged god Kratos (although he’s trying to find his softer side) and his son Atreus, and then did the same with the sequel in 2022.

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