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Game ReviewsGamingPC / MacPS5Xbox Series X

Monster Hunter: Wilds, PS5 Review

I am narrative focused gamer 90% of the time. Monster Hunter: Wilds has a 9-10hr Campaign with a raft of characters all voiced and animated with extensive cut scenes…and when viewed solely as a narrative experience, it is exceptionally poor.

After the first 2hrs I even turned into KCs own Richards modus-operandi, of hammering the skip button on every cutscene!

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Game ReviewsGamingPS5Xbox Series X

Armoured Core 6: Fires of Rubicon, Review

When I heard “AC6” (Armoured Core 6: Fires of Rubicon) was getting the From Software treatment, I instantly dismissed the prospect of a mech-souls-like, as “not my jam”! BUT….wow, I was wrong in my initial dissmissal.

AC6 is not a souls game in a mech skin. From Software have remembered their roots in the series and created a unique, approachable, and importantly fun title that encourages trial and error, without the soul crushing punishment for just giving something a go.

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