ESO : High Isle – Byte Size Review (XSX)
Welcome back to Tamriel adventurer. Time to travel to the Islands of High Isle and Amenos to investigate the Legacy of the Bretons. These lovely islands are situated just north of Summerset and west of Stros M’kai. A beautiful holiday location for those wanting to escape to cold of Skyrim and Wrothgar. High Isle may not bring the exotic looks of Morrowind but instead a more familiar setting. A setting full of politics, honour, and intrigue. Again like past updates, High Isle the beginning of a year long story looking into the legacy of the Bretons. But for now lets see what is new this time around in the world of The Elder Scrolls Online.

Know When To Fold Them.
The most interesting addition this time around is in the form of an in-game card game called Tales of Tribute. Some will see this as quite a complex addition but anyone who has played any collectable card games before will pick it up easy enough. My thoughts? Well this is what I would call a time sink within a time sink. ESO is huge. With a absolute wealth of exploration, collecting, and battles to be had, the last thing I need is yet another enjoyable facet to eat into my valuable time. Yes, Tales of Tribute is yet another great little distraction in the form of a game in a game.

Know When To Walk Away.
Other additions include two new companions that can be recruited in the form of Ember and Isobel. The obligatory delves, dungeons, and bosses are also here. Also added are a new form of world event called Fissures. These are very much like the Dark Anchors in other regions, a large scale PvE event that occur at certain times. Throw in a new 12 player Trial in the form of Dreadsail Reef and all in all you have a solid addition to The Elder Scrolls Online. The highlight though is definitely playing through the story content. It really pulls this MMO back to a point where it can be truly enjoyed by fans single player games.

Know When To Run.
Obviously with a game like this there are going to be plenty of updates and quality of life improvements, many of which will go unnoticed to most. I am still blown away at how much better ESO runs on the latest generation of consoles and I swear it is just getting better. It looks fantastic and load times really are at a minimum now making it so much more enjoyable, especially if you have limited gaming time. Bethesda really are doing a super job at enlarging and populating an already vast world. It is almost as good as a holiday in another country when I venture into Tamriel.

Closing Comments.
I’m a fan, and have been since the start. Like I have mentioned before starting new in ESO now is borderline overwhelming, but so worth it. Just ensure you have plenty of time, it can be a grind to start. A massive positive is how good the community is. You will often find high level players helping out low level ones and even just following other players around can remove much of the beginners pain. Get amongst it if you haven’t already Adventurer, you really can play at your own pace.