
Game PassGame ReviewsGamingPC / MacPS4Xbox One

Wasteland 3 Review (Xbox One X)

I have made no secret that 1988’s Wasteland from Interplay is my favourite game ever.

It was ground breaking for the good old Commodore 64 and saw many, many hours of play from me. It even accounts for my greatest gaming achievement. So to see a official sequel in Wasteland 2 was just fantastic. A third, Wasteland 3, well, it is definitely a highlight of an otherwise pretty shitty 2020. With names like Deth, Vargas, and Brygo bringing a big smile to my face.

I was ready to return to the Wasteland.

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Feature ArticleGamingPS4PSNetworkXbox One

Rage 2, a late review, PS4

Bethesda seem to have their fair share of ups and downs, especially if you pay much attention the media, social or otherwise. Rage 2 was an interesting moment on that roller coaster given its lukewarm reception after a full-on and suitably anarchic promotional campaign.

Apart from the usual web, bus, media ads. It was interesting to see the local community team stacking their chips on more than a few expo appearances. Their Rage2 Tattoo drive certainly got people talking with mixed feelings, and being right on top of release without any sign of review code, obviously set a few reviewers off on the wrong foot.

I have been toying with these words for a while, and its fair to say Rage 2 got short changed in the review period after release.

Give it a go, because once you do – you realise that Rage 2 is the first person Crackdown you never knew you needed.

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The Koru-Cottage Games of The Year 2018

The end of 2018 fast approaches and what an amazing year of games we have had. Playstation have had more AAA exclusives you can poke a stick at, Xbox has changed the gaming landscape with the amazing offering that is Game-Pass and Fortnite…..well has taken all the money and given us silly dances in return.

But I hear you say, enough talk…….. what are the Games of The Year down at the Cottage?

Well, here we go.

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GamingGame ReviewsPC / MacPS4Xbox One

Fallout 76, PS4 Review

There’s nothing quite like taking a risk and Bethesda have done that with Fallout 76, you could argue that its a natural evolution along the path of Elder Scrolls online, but disgruntled fans appear to disagree. 

For a game that has made “Country Roads” a re-popular tune, on social media at least and given fans the opportunity they have craved to live in a Fallout world with other people; it was ambitious and has delivered on promises for the most part, but it seems to be the little things that have people most hung up. 

For my part, I quite enjoy it, but I tend to make my own way in Bethesda games. Poking around nooks and crannies, filling my pockets with everything I can carry and generally ignoring quests until I stumble upon them kind of leaves me in a quandary – am I really the target audience?

Fallout 76 does what it says on the tin, its an online multiplayer Fallout game where you can choose to venture on your own or set up with a group.

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