Author: Richard Armitt

GamingGame ReviewsPC / MacPS4Xbox One

Fallout 76, PS4 Review

There’s nothing quite like taking a risk and Bethesda have done that with Fallout 76, you could argue that its a natural evolution along the path of Elder Scrolls online, but disgruntled fans appear to disagree. 

For a game that has made “Country Roads” a re-popular tune, on social media at least and given fans the opportunity they have craved to live in a Fallout world with other people; it was ambitious and has delivered on promises for the most part, but it seems to be the little things that have people most hung up. 

For my part, I quite enjoy it, but I tend to make my own way in Bethesda games. Poking around nooks and crannies, filling my pockets with everything I can carry and generally ignoring quests until I stumble upon them kind of leaves me in a quandary – am I really the target audience?

Fallout 76 does what it says on the tin, its an online multiplayer Fallout game where you can choose to venture on your own or set up with a group.

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Feature ArticlePS4Video ContentXbox One

Just Cause 4: Trailer-splosion

2018 has been a melting pot of Triple-A gaming goodness, you can’t swing a cat without hitting a far reaching open world, overarching emotional narrative or swamp-like forests of side quests to get through.

All well and good, but some would, I certainly could argue that even being technically superlative examples of their breed they may have forgotten what it is to be a game.

Rico is back in a few weeks and blowing shit up has never looked so good.

Games are for fun, it’s time to remember that.

Trailers below:

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Feature ArticleGame NewsPS4PSNetworkXbox One

PUBG on PS4, December 7th!

Maybe not a complete surprise, but you have to love when things happen quickly.

So, PUBG finally comes to PS4 in a couple of weeks about a year after we reviewed the Xbox version, but hey, this is a Fortnite Free Zone and I personally enjoy the pace and atmosphere that PUBG can generate. So bring it and its nice looking pre-order bonuses.

Oh yes, press release below…

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Game ReviewsGamingPS4PSNetworkPSVR

Tetris Effect, PS4 Review

Tetris, one of those game history icons. Sonic, Lara, Pac-Man, Space Invaders and Tetris. There are some games even the oldies will know of, it was twenty eight years ago that I first found joy in stacking Tetrominoes, Christmas of 1990 was spent with a weighty original Gameboy in my hands and the incessant tinkling of Tetris blocks dropping into place rattling through my ears.

It’s 2018 now and Tetris just about took the world by storm again.

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Game ReviewsGamingPS4PSNetworkPSVRVideo Content

CREED: Rise to Glory, PSVR Review

Creed PSVR is in familiar territory, but stands on its own two feet in the centre of its ring. Giving you the gloves of Adonis Creed the game lets you experience a ‘Rise to Glory’ from training through to a number of increasingly difficult bouts, eventuating in becoming the Super World Supreme Champion of the Galaxy as all American boxers are wont to do.

Creed does not disappoint, the suspension of disbelief that the PSVR delivers is terrific from the first moments in the gym where you experience training in the form of punching mini games through to a nervy first bought, feeling like a rabbit sat in the middle of a busy road.

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Game ReviewsGamingPS4Switch ConsoleVideo ContentXbox One

Warriors Orochi, PS4 Review

Advisory: I know nothing of the Dynasty Wars, Warriors or Orochi canon.

Ok, I said it, I am ignorant of this series. I’ve seen them, I’ve heard of them, but I have never fully engaged. There may have been a dim past, where I dabbled briefly because I loved the idea of wading through an army with my magical katana, but the button mashing reality was not for me.

So, here we are many years later, there is still some mystical story at the throbbing heart of this game, but like so many narratives it passes me by. The wealth of characters and their emotional ties or motivations are too much for my puny human brain. I like the skip button, I really don’t care about who has the most honour, just throw me out and give me a flashing objective to run at.

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Feature ArticlePS4PSVRVideo Content

SculptrVR, PSVR Review

Okay, it’s not a game.

SculptrVR is something I have seen in other platforms in similar guises and has been something of a surprise for me.

I have to admit, I know little to nothing about Voxel graphics, but I do consider myself somewhat artistic. Neither of these things helped me while I was plugged in to SculptrVR, my artistic confidence went missing as soon as I realised the scope of what was on offer and my puny human brain couldn’t quite capture the grandness of what I could achieve with 3D Voxel modelling.

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Feature ArticleGame NewsXbox One

Forza Horizon 4 – has gone gold!

For anybody waiting on the upcoming release of Forza Horizon this is great news, set in the UK this time and naturally having a spiffing section of Bond cars to go with it as a fitting DLC. The full Press Release follows, its too late at night to rework and the important stuff is there. Download the Demo today.




Forza fans, we’re one huge step closer to the launch of Forza Horizon 4. Today, we’re announcing that the game has officially gone gold and is off for pressings of retail discs and final setup for digital release.

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Feature ArticleGamingNintendoPS4PSNetworkSwitch ConsoleXBLAXbox Onexbox360

The 2018 Player2 Charity Marathon – back for thirdsies

Yes, we’re plugging another blog, but for a great reason and besides it’s a community thing and together we can make a village or something, in Minecraft at least.

After a successful charity event last year, the Player 2 team are coming back once again to raise money for the Terry Campese Foundation. Last year the team raised over $3700 for the charity, every cent of which went to helping sick and underprivilege families from the Canberra and Southern NSW regions.

This year the crew aim to beat that mark and are looking at the possibility of reaching $4000.

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Game ReviewsGamingPS4PSNetworkXBLAXbox One

Strange Brigade, PS4 Review

Rebellion have come up trumps with this one, a third person shooter full of mildly challenging puzzles, loot and wave upon wave of monstrous entities.

Taking a sprinkling of Boy’s Own Adventures mixed with a healthy dose of Michael Palin’s Ripping Yarns, enjoy a rollicking trip of Devil-May-Cry-Derring-Do, adventuring into the unknown and fighting evil wherever it raises a mummified head.

Time to get out there and kick Evil where it hurts old chaps!

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Game ReviewsGamingNintendoSwitch Console

Mario Tennis Aces, Nintendo Switch

The Mario-fication of sports games are something I have enjoyed across generations, Mario Golf in particular on a black and white Gameboy Pocket through to the colourful N64 version. Seeing first shots of Mario Tennis grabbed my attention, the sharp visuals and the potential for a tennis game coupled with the Switch in its riding high position of recent months.

Sometimes you need to be careful what you wish for. With the benefit of hindsight I would be wishing for a more conventional tennis game.

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