Game Reviews

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The Division 2 – PS4 Review

I’m taking my time with The Division 2, partly because of commitments, but mostly because I am enjoying it so much.

Back in the late seventies I grew up on a diet of movies and books, the ones that stuck were the post apocalyptic adventures. There was something about being stranded in an empty world, picking over the ruins left by society that appealed to me deep down, I mean really deep down.

Here we are three years later in 2019, the world we live in is bit more crazy, while the world of The Division has moved on about seven months, which is allegedly enough time for you to have cleaned up New York. Once you get the introduction out of the way and open up your path to the White House the game kicks in proper and boy, it really delivers straight up.

The Division 2 is a rare beast, its a game that arrived fully finished, fully tested and fully delivers on its promises. Me, I’ll still be filling my kleptomaniac pockets as I trawl my way through the incredibly detailed vision of Washington.

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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, PS4 Video Review

Over the last 10 years From Software games Demon Souls, Dark Souls and Bloodborne have  become the measure for what is ‘hard’ when talking about modern video game difficulty. Their latest offering, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, once again puts controllers all round the world at grave risk, as frustrated gamers seek some catharsis by hurling them across the room or plain old snapping them in half.

Souls and Bloodborne fans will likely love this game, certainly once they have adapted to the much faster movement. But if you bounced off previous From Software titles due to the level of controller snapping difficulty….then Sekiro: Shadows Die twice is not here to change your mind.

2 for the price of 1! Words and Moving Pictures from Browncoat – be sure to click the video thingy!

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Metro: Exodus, PS4 Review

I like Russia. Not so much for the long history of political intrigue or its civil rights abuses, but for its tough people and their underlying ability to just get shit done with very little. The Metro games are about survival in a post nuclear war Russia, and as I just alluded, not surviving in some luxurious capitalist-pig fallout shelter…….but like a tough as nails Russian, on little to no resources, ammunition and intel.

Now, its not lost on me that the developer 4A Games is in fact Ukrainian not Russian. However, as a nation with a long standing connection to Russia, (for both good and bad reasons) it gives them the unique ability to give Western gamers a glimpse into what a post-apocalyptic Mother-Russia might look like. Suffice is to say they know what they are doing and the end result is… brilliant and terrifying.

Check out the Video Review – Click It, Like It, Share It!

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Game ReviewsGamingXbox Onexbox360

Crackdown 3 Review – Xbox One

A long time ago when the xbox360 was young there were games that defined the console, one of them was Crackdown.

Putting you in the shoes of a super-human Agent, the game had you reclaiming an open world one task at a time and mowing down a hefty roster of bad guys. All sounds pretty familiar, well yes it was, but then there were Orbs and the way you skilled up and the subtle effects that came with those skills, not to mention the small army array of weapons at your disposal. Having recently hit the backwards compatible pile and being free to download I had a recent spin around the original and it didn’t disappoint.

Yes, by today’s standard the open world was fairly bare and the cel-shaded aesthetic wasn’t much to write home about. However, the game had chops, big furry, playable chops and people loved it.

There is a lot to like about Crackdown 3, while it may feel like an older game, it is built using a formula that works and you don’t have to worry about getting chores or conversations. As a great example of keeping it simple we have a Crackdown for people to enjoy, a game that doesn’t get bogged down in drawn out narrative, rather a game that wants you to play it.

Get out there and kick some ass Agents.

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Game ReviewsGamingPS4Xbox One

Resident Evil 2 (2019) Review – Xbox One X

Even though this is a remake I don’t want to spoil anything for first time players or absent minded older gamers who are revisiting Raccoon City.

So consider this a SPOILER FREE REVIEW.

Now you would have to have been living under a rock not to have heard of Resident Evil, or Biohazard for those from Japan. The games have been around for over 2o years, along with comics, novels, toys, several movies, and now rumours that Netflix have a Resident Evil series in the works.

I guess that all this longevity and multi format content just shows how good the story and characters are in the Resident Evil Universe. Obviously this game isn’t the second release in the series but a remake of the 1998 version.

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Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown, PS4/PSVR Video Review

I am a flight-sim nerd from waaaay back, but nowadays most of my gaming is on Console and even arcade flight games, especially this generation, are pretty thin on the ground. When I heard Ace Combat 7 was planning a landing on PS4 and PSVR my Top-Gun-Loving heart skipped a beat.

Unfortunately my prayers for a hard-core sim have not been answered, however what I got instead, was one of the most fun Arcade Flight titles I have played in years. It is brilliant! ..and there is some PSVR in the mix too!

To get the full run-down on whats what, and whether ‘Ice-Man’ and ‘Maverick’ will be friends after all…… check out the Video Review below.

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Game ReviewsPS4Xbox One

The Golf Club 2019 featuring PGA Tour – review

A funny thing happened on the way to the internet… this review was supposed to be published a while ago, so apologies to Reagan Morris, a favourite guest at the cottage who has been patiently reminding us about this one that got away.

So, without further ado, skip the first 18 and get straight to the 19th Hole, settle down and see what he thinks.

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Game ReviewsGamingPS4Xbox One

Just Cause 4 Review, PS4

Rico Rodriguez, a name that threatens chaos and brings fear to the hearts of many an evil henchman or red barrel.

We’ve loved the Just Cause series since the beginning, playing the first game on the xbox360 was a joy – giving the open world genre a shot in the arm by throwing in crazy vehicle stunts and skydiving, not forgetting one of my favourite achievements ever completed. Rico, in a much younger form was the eighties action hero we all wanted to be.

Rico is older and wider, yes, wider however we will be happily air-dropping tanks or derailing mountain trains together, the possibilities are endless and I will be grappling with them for some time.

Yes, I went there.

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Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden, PS4 Review

“Tactical” is a word that not only governs much of John Wick’s dress sense, but is also a gaming sub-genre that probably sends shivers down the spine of many younger gamers. But to then pile on descriptors like – “turn based strategy”- I would suspect any self-respecting, Fortnite playin tween would throw a tantrum, yell at his Mum and storm out of the room. So in this day and age of Video Games, will we ever see games of a tactical ilk again?

Well thankfully yes. For those of us who remember games like Laser Squad, the Golden Age of Sid Meiers, Civilisation and of course XCOM, the genre lives on…… boy does it live on!

Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden is an evolved version of the XCOM gameplay model, but with a heavy dose of exploration and stealth, and I have to say…….it is Brilliant. (And there is not a silly dancing or angsty teens to be seen.)

Check out our Video Review below. Click it, Like it, Share it!

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GamingGame ReviewsPC / MacPS4Xbox One

Fallout 76, PS4 Review

There’s nothing quite like taking a risk and Bethesda have done that with Fallout 76, you could argue that its a natural evolution along the path of Elder Scrolls online, but disgruntled fans appear to disagree. 

For a game that has made “Country Roads” a re-popular tune, on social media at least and given fans the opportunity they have craved to live in a Fallout world with other people; it was ambitious and has delivered on promises for the most part, but it seems to be the little things that have people most hung up. 

For my part, I quite enjoy it, but I tend to make my own way in Bethesda games. Poking around nooks and crannies, filling my pockets with everything I can carry and generally ignoring quests until I stumble upon them kind of leaves me in a quandary – am I really the target audience?

Fallout 76 does what it says on the tin, its an online multiplayer Fallout game where you can choose to venture on your own or set up with a group.

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Game ReviewsGamingPS4Xbox One

Battlefield V Review (Xbox One X)

Following the harrowing World War 1 shooter, Battlefield 1, is the sixteenth Battlefield release, Battlefield V. So the first release was ‘1942’, the third ‘2’, the fifteenth ’1’, and the sixteenth ‘V’… For those trying to work out the naming sequence going on here, please, let me know when you have it. Anyway its back to World War 2 we go and an even more multiplayer centric experience, along with a move away from historical accuracy in the name of fun.

Fair enough, at least we know where we stand and know not to pick holes in the detail.

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