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Destiny 2: The Final Shape Review

After 10 years of playing Destiny, being confronted with sitting down at my keyboard to “Review” the penultimate, era-ending expansion, is quite a daunting task.

After the rocky start in 2014, Destiny grew into my comfort food, my hang-out joint and the bane of my life. And in 2024 with the “Light and Dark Saga” coming to a close, what the hell do I do now!? 

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GamingGame ReviewsPC / MacPS5Xbox Series SXbox Series X

Destiny 2: The Witch Queen, review

nre than ol’ Bungo. They have even been owned by Microsoft, Activision and now even Sony! But throughout these various sets of hands, Bungie have deftly maintained a unique level of creative freedom, giving us the best First Person Shooters ever made.

Now Destiny 2 has finally taken a leap into a new expansion, “The Witch Queen”. Unsurprisingly, Bungie have knocked it out of the park again!

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GamingGame ReviewsMicrosoftPC / MacVideo ContentXbox Series SXbox Series X

HALO Infinite, Review

Microsoft are on a roll there’s no debate Gamepass is the service du jour, Flight Simulator made a massive splash and now we get the Master Chief for Christmas.

Make no mistake the silly season is going to be peppered with the screams of a billion Grunts.

Thanks to Microsoft for supplying the Korucottage team with early review code.

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GamingByte Size ReviewPC / Mac

Byte Sized review: Red Solstice 2: Survivors

I never played the original Red Solstice so I can’t offer an opinion on its merits, good or otherwise, but Red Solstice 2: Survivors seems like a solid real-time action game with RPG mechanics.

It’s set on Mars where you control a battle-hardened marine having to help repel an invasion by the mutant Strol.

The story might not be original and the gameplay is nothing new but Red Solstice 2: Survivors is an enjoyable romp in a sci-fi inspired universe if you’re a fan of X-COM and it’s ilk.

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GamingGame PassGame ReviewsPC / MacXbox Onexbox360

Halo 3, Byte Size Review (PC)

Originally released in 2007 for the Xbox 360, Halo 3 returned to the Xbox One as part of the Master Chief Collection in 2014 and now in 2020 it comes to PC.

So here we go, a review for a 13 year old game that any gamer worth their salt has played at some point. Hell, even my Wife recognises the Master Chief.

To be honest, even just hearing the Halo theme music brings back memories and a huge smile to my face. And going by previous reviews by Richard and Gerard, it seems we are all in agreement when it comes to how iconic the Halo theme track is.

Let us once more don the green Spartan armour and go kick some Covenant butt.

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GamingGame PassGame ReviewsPC / MacXbox One

Halo Reach (PC): Finishing the fight on a new platform

There’s no denying that Gregorian chants are a cornerstone of the Halo series. They’re unmistakable identifiers for the Master Chief and the fight against the alien covenant. Halo Reach is no exception.

So when the Gregorian chants fired up on the menu screen of the PC version, it brought a smile to both my face – and my ears (if my ears could smile, that is).

I’m not the world’s greatest Halo fan but I’ve played them all. Reach was always at the top of my list as my favourite of the series. Maybe it was because the story told of the close-knit camaraderie between the six members of Noble team. Cat, Emile, Jorge, Jun, Carter and Spartan B-312 (that’s you, by the way). As they take the fight to the covenant on the planet Reach, or maybe it was because Reach wasn’t about Master Chief. Whatever it was, Reach just resonated with me.

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