Author: Guy

GamingHardware ReviewsPS4youtube review

Sennheiser GSP 370 Headphones, Review (YouTube)

It’s been a while since my last Video Review. So I thought would come back strong with one of our favorites at Koru-Cottage… a Sennheiser GSP 370 headphones review to be precise.

German company Sennheiser is a very well established name in the audio world, in fact they have been around since 1945. They have however only in recent years ventured into the niche space of video game headsets, and now they boast a sizable range.

The Sennheiser GSP 370 wireless gaming headphones are some of the most impressive wireless headphones I have ever used. That said, to enjoy the quality and comfort you have to make sacrifices.

Check out the full Video Review below and remember…Like, Sub and Share people!

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GamingByte Size ReviewPS4

Byte Size – Patapon 2: Remastered (PS4 Review)

You know those songs that just get stuck in your head? A tune or song that you will catch yourself humming along too, when having a shower or hanging out the washing. Well, prepare to have a new song bury itself into your subconscious! “Pata-Pata-Pata-Pon”. Patapon 2: Remastered is exactly that…a remastered version of the 2009 PSP title Patapon 2.

It has been up-rezzed to 1080p/4K for the PS4 and had its music refreshed, but that’s about it. The core of the game is unchanged, in fact it fells like bit of a blast from the past in a way. As music rhythm games don’t tend to be as big as they used to be.

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GamingByte Size ReviewPC / MacPS4PSVRVideo Content

Espire 1: VR Operative, PSVR Review

Espire 1: VR Operative was touted as a fully immersive Splinter Cell-esque type VR game. Which was music to my ears and the slick launch trailer just added to my hype levels.

The game is built around the idea of taking remote-control of a stealthy Espire Robot. Then infiltrating various buildings and factory type levels to take down armed terrorists. An Espire unit can use an array of gadgets, guns and even navigate levels full of verticality with its magnetic hands.

Like I said, a really cool premise.

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GamingGame ReviewsPS4PSNetworkVideo Contentyoutube review

Death Stranding, PS4 Video Review

This is a totally spoiler free Review. Not only are the Review embargo restrictions very, very clear about both video and late game content, but I don’t want to spoil some of the big surprises the game offers up both in story and mechanics later on.

Death Stranding has a unique take on almost every modern third person action game mechanic created in the last few years. I loved this game, even with its sizable quirks. I enjoyed the new twist on an afterlife and death, and the deeper meanings hidden at every turn. It was just refreshing to play something so different in the AAA space.

Kojima off the leash, has resulted in something surprisingly cohesive and hugely enjoyable.

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GamingFeature ArticlePS4Xbox One

Ghost Recon: “Inflection Point”

Once upon a time, there was a Ghost Recon gamer who loved to be sneaky.

With tactics, teammates and guile he would carry out complex, dangerous missions where the fate of the world was at stake.

He… was a Ghost.

But something changed. There seemed to no longer be a need for true Ghosts. 2019 has made this gamer become a new beast, and not something that makes bad guys scared of the dark. He has now morphed into a soft, spongy creature called a ‘Cash Cow’, and his only mission these days is to gobble up shiny trinkets and loot crates.

To be clear, this isn’t going to be our Review, as I think at this point any discerning gamer has enough information available to make an educated purchasing decision. What I intend to do is give some brief thoughts on how I approached my first few hours in Breakpoint.

Then in a few months come back and revisit the title, to see if the developer has come to their senses and made some improvements.

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Game ReviewsGamingPS4Switch ConsoleXbox One

NBA 2K20, PS4 Review

I’m not a huge player of Video Games in the Sports genre, so loading up NBA 2K20 was very much a fresh experience for me.  I came to learn two things about the current state of AAA sports games.

They look and feel amazing to play, with a perfect balance of fun and realism I never thought Video Games would or could achieve and secondly, that micro-transactions seem to have permeated every facet of the genre.

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GamingFeature ArticlePS4PSNetworkXBLAXbox One

CoD: Modern Warfare 2019 – M/P Beta

Over this weekend I got all hot and sweaty. I immersed myself back into the Multi-Player world of Call of Duty.

Something I haven’t done in many years, as the ridiculous, bombastic, sci-fi direction CoD has taken in the last 10 years has not grabbed me. Well, CoD: Modern Warfare 2019 is going to change all that.

The prospect of a contemporary, realistic shooter peaked my interest when I saw the Campaign trailer earlier this year. It seriously looks like my cup of tea. So when a code for the M/P Beta hit my emails I couldn’t help but go for a look.

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GamingByte Size ReviewPC / MacPS4Xbox One

The Church in the Darkness, PS4 Review

This game finds its inspirations from these very 1970s type cults. The setting being that of the ‘Collective Justice Mission’ cult and its fanatical leaders Issac and Rebecca Walker.

They have moved their flock to South America to avoid the constant gaze of the FBI back in the USA. I played as Vic, an ex-cop tasked to go down to South America and bring home a brainwashed youngster, Alex.

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GamingGame ReviewsPC / MacPS4Xbox One

Control, PS4 Review

Control is different to other games I have played this year, yet it still feels very familiar, like a sort of comfort food.

The reality of what is actually happening in Control is like an incomplete painting, masterfully placed just out of reach.

I kept pushing onwards, throughout the game, trying to grasp what the hell is actually going on in this contorted world. It was mind-bendingly magical.  Remedy and 505 Games have made a confusing, engrossing and strangely approachable title….. and I loved every damn minute of it.

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