Game Reviews

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There’s no point beating around the bush, Moss should be a PSVR system seller.

On the face of it the game could be discarded as a simplified platformer about a cute mouse – on the face of it.

But and this really is a big but, slipping on the PSVR Headset and finding yourself drawn into the world of Moss and its protagonist Quill makes something magical happen.

You are there, in the world standing over this magical kingdom and feeling more a part of the environment than you ever have before.

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Monster Hunter World Review

Our exhaustive Monster Hunter review from Reagan Morris an NZGamer and Buttonmasher regular who we managed to tempt with the promise of an Anjanath for breakfast, this take is an obsessive’s view of the franchise and the juggernaut that has recently taken the gaming world by storm.

“To say that my shit was well and truly flipped when the Monster Hunter World trailer played at E3 last year is an understatement.  The trailer revealed a Monster Hunter I had only dreamed of: a large open map, beautifully rendered environments, and monsters that finally looked as good as they were to hunt.”

Lead on…

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Shadow of the Colossus Remake, PS4 Video Review

The 2005 Shadow of the Colossus on Playstation 2 was a masterpiece of game design.

Sony have now seen fit to give it a new lick of paint and smooth off its rough ‘old-school’ edges. Importantly though, the Developer entrusted with this remake BluePoint Games, have treated Shadow of the Colossus with the respect it deserves.

It is arguably one of the most important games in recent memory and they could have dragged it into 2018 with some slick, sweeping, modern changes…….thankfully they haven’t.

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