JBL Quantum 810 wireless, review
A mere 3 months after reviewing the 610s, I’m fortunate enough to be back with the JBL Quantum 810 wireless.
I could sum up the rest of the review right here; this set is glorious. Lightweight, sleek, sexy, and simply glorious.
I now have to back that up.
Level Up Gamer.
What JBL have done, again, is taken all the good stuff about the 610s and elevated it. The Quantum 810 includes all the ‘best in class’ from 3 months ago and adds on rock solid Bluetooth connectivity. This immediately bridges the gap that my 610s had with the Epos equivalent. The JBL set suddenly becoming all singing and dancing, not only a top drawer gaming headset, but also a powerhouse across other devices too. Again, in this weird world of WFH, living by the motto “sound is survival” makes more sense on a Teams meeting.
Of course that’s not all, we’re looking at 40+ Hours of battery life (if you don’t use the RGB lights), a smaller dongle much like the 610s had and also the ability to charge and play. All excellent quality of life improvements.

Did I dare to Listen?
Yes, I did.
The Quantum 810 landed in my lap around the same time as our recent The Last of Us review. Since then I’ve been giving them a workout, especially in late sessions of No Man’s Sky. The headset performs admirably, the sheer depth of rich sound that I got from TLOU enhanced the game experience no end. Especially being the only game with cutscenes I ever watch. Every nuance in the action, every atmospheric echo or drip was there in full Quantum Surround. Let’s not talk about the Clickers yet, I’m not ready.
There is no mistaking the depth and richness of these headsets. Where other brands often feel like they are missing a touch of seasoning, I always feel enveloped by the sound with JBL. Again, my return to No Man’s Sky is partially due to the Quantum 810, there is so much in terms of atmosphere that you can miss without a decent set of ears.
I can also vouch for the quality of the Active Noise Cancelling. While it’s kind of you to use headsets late at night to keep the TV noise off, it’s never appreciated if partners have to shout at you to let the dog out at 2am.

If Form was a Factor for the Quantum 810.

Not only is the 810 a great looking headset, it bears all the hallmarks of JBL quality. The familiar braided cabling, the flexible lay flat ear cups perfect for a quick neck rest. The ear cups are again very generous and roomy, the soft cushioning and space make them an effortless wear for hours at a time. The set is also incredibly lightweight, again a bonus towards long sessions. The build quality is solid as expected and the general design complements the RGB, with its pseudo metallic finish, again elevating it past the 610 just that little bit more.
The RGB lights are a nice to have and I’m sure I look fancy in the darkness, but I never really see them on me. The Boom Mike does its job well, clarity when speaking and mutes when stowed away. Obviously the microphone here is permanently attached, rather than detachable, but it’s there for a purpose.
The on-ear controls are comprehensive. All the usual suspects are there, volume, game fade, ANC (talk-through), Bluetooth. Along with charging ports, 3.5mm jacks and charging LEDs. It can take a little getting used to at first when you’re fumbling for buttons, that said it all comes down to how much of a fiddler you are.
The Sound Is Survival Summary.
My pathway through the JBL range has been via the 600’s, to the 610’s and now the 810’s. While I missed out on the 800’s I’ve been a big fan of the family and what it delivered to me. This step up that the 810 has added has set me up with a favourite headset for the foreseeable future.
There isn’t a single misstep, connectivity is a breeze, the compatibility will suit a broad audience and the set itself does exactly what it says on the tin. It’s light, easy to wear, has the Influencer ‘comfort’ factor and delivers deep, rich sound.
Once more with feeling; sleek, sexy and simply glorious.