Open World

Game ReviewsGamingPC / MacPS5

Rise of the Ronin, PS5 Review

That sweet middle ground of an immersive open world RPG, combined with the challenge of a From Soft game has always been on my Wishlist.

Now, before you take a breath to scream…” Elden Ring”. Yes, it was wonderful! But for me, the story and world lore were too convoluted to be engossing. And the combat, the bosses in particular, was just too hard for me…….so, a wonderful game, but not fun.

Rise of the Ronin though, seems to sit in this sweet spot though, or I thought it was going to.

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Game ReviewsGamingPS5Xbox Series SXbox Series X

Avatar–Frontiers of Pandora Review (PS5)

I remember when the first Avatar movie came out. It was mind blowing. Well, the visuals were anyway.

And, although there has been previous Avatar base games, what we all want is that same level of visual fidelity that is portrayed in the movies. Thankfully with the release of Avatar – Frontiers of Pandora, that is something we do get.

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Byte Size ReviewGamingPS5Xbox Series SXbox Series X

Assassins Creed Mirage, Byte Size Review (XSX)

So apparently Assassins Creed has been around for 15 years now. And after the huge outings involved in Origins, Odyssey, and Valhalla, Assassins Creed Mirage is a step back in size, and in some ways, in time.

Set in Baghdad during the ninth century is indeed a step back in time but more importantly Assassins Creed Mirage is a journey back to the gameplay roots of earlier games in the franchise.

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Game ReviewsGame PassGamingXbox Series SXbox Series X

Redfall Review (XSX)

Redfall, Massachusetts. A lovely island town with great amenities and plenty for locals and tourists alike.

Unfortunately a legion of vampires have also taken a fancy to Redfall as well. Isolating the community and blocking out the sun, our resident fang-faces are having their way with the human population.

Time for a hero, or four, to step up.

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GamingByte Size ReviewGame ReviewsMicrosoftPS5Xbox Series SXbox Series X

Minecraft Legends Byte Size Review (XSX)

Being completely oblivious to this latest Mojang Studios release, my initial thought was of Minecraft Dungeons  and how I had enjoyed that.

I entered the Legends realm with quite a positive outlook. Bring on the Piglins!

Thanks to Microsoft/Xbox for providing a copy of Minecraft Legends to me for review. I really do appreciate it.

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GamingGame ReviewsPC / MacPS5Xbox Series X

Gotham Knights, Review

Gotham Knights, oh, how the mighty have fallen. WB Games in conjunction with the geniuses at Rocksteady Games crafted the best super hero games ever made.

The Batman Arkham games revolutionised 3rd person brawler games and still hold up today. However, with Rocksteady moving onto a new I.P and WB Montreal now taking up the “Batman Universe” games, we have as a result received Gotham Knights.

And Oh…how the mighty have fallen.

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GamingGame ReviewsPC / MacPS5Xbox Series SXbox Series X

Saints Row, Review

Saints Row, a franchise that has been around the block a few times. Originally landing as a semi-serious alternative to GTA, but with its tongue firmly planted in a cheek. Nature of cheek to be confirmed.

Over the years the games have transitioned into bawdy locker room joke fest with some absolutely ridiculous scenarios. Arguably for the fanbase, the more ridiculous they get the better.

You can’t mistake a Saint’s game. Over the top weapons, puerile humour and hi-octane, yet forgiving action. This iteration does bear those marks, but…

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GamingDualsenseGame ReviewsPlaystationPS5

Ghostwire: Tokyo, review

A short while ago I was privy to a Ghostwire: Tokyo preview. I came away from that session quite excited for the game, a new I.P. with some exciting mechanics, it looked like a shot in the arm for FPS open world genre games.

In reality, having had the chance to spend some time with the game, the new I.P. feeling still stands, but beneath the surface there are doubts.

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