Open World

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Elden Ring, review

By the time I got an Elden Ring review code, it was release day. I was at work and couldn’t download it until Friday night. Which meant I couldn’t play it until Saturday night, time and TV access permitting (which is not always a thing).

Life is busy, full of commitments that don’t align with a From Software title. Notorious as they are for not allowing the game to be paused.

This review approaches Elden Ring differently.

(An Xbox code was supplied by Bandai-Namco)

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GamingGame ReviewsPlaystationPS4PS5

Horizon: Forbidden West, PS5 Review

If anyone had doubts that Playstation is the unquestionable home of top-tier, master-class, 3rd person action games, then Horizon: Forbidden West will put any remaining scepticism to rest.

Guerrilla have taken the awesome 2017 ‘Horizon’ I.P and improved on every single element. Not so much as to lose what was unique about Zero Dawn though, they have just refined the overall formula to get about as close to perfection in the Open World genre as one could hope for.

Horizon Forbidden West delivers its story under the assumption that gamers have played and finished Zero Dawn. If you haven’t played it, then… you are crazy! Stop reading and go and play it first!! Or at the very least watch a good story run-down on YouTube.

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GamingGame ReviewsPC / MacPS5Xbox Series SXbox Series X

Dying Light 2 : Stay Human

Following on from the 2017 fan favourite Dying Light, we sent Dylan into the darkness to fight for his right to Stay Human.

See what he had to say after the click.

Dying Light 2 offers serviceable missions, an overwhelming collection of distractions, and a large city that is impressive to behold yet ultimately repetitive to traverse.

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GamingByte Size ReviewPC / MacPS5Xbox Series X

Sniper Ghost Warrior: Contracts 2, PS5 Review

Another Guest Spot from our resident Rainbow 6 gamer-girl. Nina has taken a break from clearing rooms in CQB, and dipped into some long distance combat with this review of the new Sniper Ghost Warrior.

When I was presented with Sniper Ghost Warrior: Contracts 2 to play, I admit I was apathetic at best. It was a series I’d never played, from a studio I’d never heard of, tackling a genre I’d never been really interested in. But after sinking 15-20 hours of playtime into this game, I am more than happy to say that (we will just call it “Sniper” going forward) has totally exceeded my expectations.

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Game ReviewsGame PassGamingMicrosoftXbox Series SXbox Series X

Forza Horizon 5 Review (XSX)

nd the first Forza Motorsport on the original Xbox, it had me hooked. But then in 2012 came the first Forza Horizon on the Xbox 360.

It was the Horizon Series that reeled me in. The freedom and forgiveness that Horizon has over its Motorsport brother is far more to my liking, and driving style. And here we are now in 2021 with the fifth instalment in the Forza Horizon franchise.

Viva Mexico! 

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GamingGame ReviewsPC / MacPS4PS5Xbox Series SXbox Series X

Far Cry 6, PS5 Review

not looking forward to Far Cry 6 at all. I haven’t been interested in a Far Cry game since the brilliant Far Cry 3. I’m happy to say Far Cry 6 has grabbed me in a big way and it is great fun.

There is no great mystery around what sort of game and genre Far Cry 6 is. It’s an FPS open-world action game. Exactly like all those that have come before. This time round it is set in a fictional Caribbean archipelago called Yara, which for all intents and purposes, is Cuba. Ruled by the ruthless “El Presidente” Antón Castillo played by Giancarlo Esposito. Yara is controlled by his military and as expected, there is a grass-roots resistance movement. Which it turns out needs my special ‘Guerrilla’ gamer skills to overthrow the “El Presidente”!

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GamingGame ReviewsMicrosoftPC / MacXbox Series SXbox Series X

MS Flight Simulator, Xbox Series X

MS Flight Simulator, it’s here, finally here. Eleven months have literally ‘flown’ by since the amazing PC version hit the skies. Console gamers have had to wait patiently like Air New Zealand flights landing in Sydney, (behind Qantas arrivals).

Not only that, it’s also on bloody Gamepass, which is turning into the must have service on the planet.

Everybody with any itch to travel needs to experience this game at some level. If you haven’t got a kickass PC, get an Xbox, get Gamepass and get flying.

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GamingFeature ArticlePC / MacPlaystationPS4PS5Sony

Days Gone PC technical review

Once upon a time, you would never have imagined seeing a PlayStation game appearing on a Windows PC but now it’s becoming more and more common place.

First, we saw Guerilla’s Horizon Zero Dawn make the leap from PlayStation to PC, then we were graced with Hideo Kojima’s Death Stranding (although HZD was a rough port at launch that required a fair bit of work to get it working properly). Now, it’s the turn of Days Gone PC, a zombie-filled adventure across a post-apocalyptic American mid-west, starring grizzled biker Deacon St John. It’s a technical marvel that really show cases what is possible with PC gaming.

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GamingFeature ArticleGame NewsPS4PS5Video ContentXbox OneXbox Series SXbox Series X

Cyberpunk 2077 – Night City Wire, episode 5

If you’ve been living under a rock, you won’t know Cyberpunk 2077 is coming in hot.

Currently slated for December 10th launch and it seems this is the one the game will hit, which is a relief. New Generation updates will be following in the new year for free, but take a look at the latest trailers. Its running very nicely anyway.

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GamingGame ReviewsPC / MacPS4Xbox OneXbox Series X

The Survivalists Review (Xbox One X)

Team 17 ventures into well known territory with The Survivalists.

And not a worm or Holy Hand Grenade in sight. The Survivalists has you in a familiar situation of being shipwrecked on an unknown island and having to plan your escape, and survival. 

Thankfully you don’t have to go it alone on this island. The local monkeys are willing to help you out for the price of some food or their freedom from caged life.

So if you have ever wanted to raise a monkey army then here is your chance.

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GamingGame ReviewsPC / MacPS4Xbox One

Mafia Definitive Edition, PC Review

With the release of Mafia Definitive Edition last month, 2K’s Mafia trilogy is now complete. 

When I reviewed Mafia 2 in August this year, I ended my review (based on the lacklustre Mafia 2 remaster) by saying: “I can’t recommend this package right now, especially given it’s incomplete until Mafia is released in August.”

Well, now that I have finished Mafia Definitive Edition, my verdict is easy: It’s definitely worth your time. Especially with the love that has been lavished in updating the original Mafia for today’s modern gamer.

A game that tells the rise [then fall] of Lost Heaven (New York) taxi driver Tommy Angelo through the ranks of a feared crime family during the 1930s.

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