Game Reviews

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Gears Tactics Review (PC)

In a world full of fear and uncertainty it is nice to return to a world of fear and uncertainty that is worse off than us. Kicking off 12 years before the original Gears of War, Gears Tactics has you taking the role of Gabriel, or Gabe to his friends.

A dedicated member of the Motor Pool who is tasked with a mission well above his pay grade. As you can imagine there is the potential for a LOT of spoilers here so I will say now that this is a spoiler free review.

The Locust Horde is on the rise and it it is up to you to save the people of Sera. But to do this you are going to need some help. So get out there and recruit a team and take the fight to the enemy.

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GamingGame ReviewsPC / MacPS4PSNetwork

Predator: Hunting Grounds, PS4 Review

“Dillion! You son of a bitch”  is one of the many quotes from Predator, that as a kid in the 80s, has been burnt into my brain.

It’s an I.P that even 30+ years after Arnie went toe-to-toe with the Alien hunter, people still know and love.

Sony has just dropped an Asymmetrical shooter for both PS4 and PC, channeling the rendered essence of what made Predator bodacious in 1987… and I am torn on it.

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GamingGame ReviewsPC / MacPS4Xbox One

Wartile, PS4 Review

There is something about Dungeons and Dragons mini figurines in Wartile.

They connect straight into a deep nostalgia for me. Having a group of friends round a table, surrounded by packets of chips and fizzy drinks. All laughing and dungeon crawling into the small hours of the night.

This is what Wartile taps into in a way. It’s tabletop gaming from the comfort of your couch and TV.

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GamingGame ReviewsIndie GamePS4Switch ConsoleXbox One

Moving Out, PS4 Review

How to start a Moving Out review? 

Well, its probably best summed up with a classic like “Great things come in small packages”.  

In short the game is a frantic race against the clock, part puzzle, part arcade craziness and a sprinkle of comedy charm. If you are looking for a couch co-op game to keep the family entertained or at least blaming each other.

Then look no further, its got lockdown shenanigans all over it.

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GamingGame ReviewsNintendoSwitch Console

Saints Row IV Re-Elected (Nintendo Switch)

The Saints Row series has never pulled its punches and Saints Row IV Re-Elected is no different.

Any game that has an opening sequence featuring the future president of the United States climbing the exterior of an intercontinental ballistic missile as it soars into the stratosphere or has the aforementioned future president strutting through his suburban house as the star of his own sitcom called Leave it to the Saints, with a jaunty 1950s wholesome soundtrack in the background as he munches pancakes and fetches the paper is one that you know doesn’t take itself too seriously. All hail, Mr President.

And so it is with Saints Row IV Re-Elected (originally reviewed in 2015). A game you could rightfully call the anti-Grand Theft Auto thanks to its humour firmly tongue-in-cheek.

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GamingGame ReviewsPS4Xbox One

Resident Evil 3 (2020) Review (Xbox One X)

After the resounding success of last years Resident Evil 2 remake it only made sense that Resident Evil 3 was next on the list. And like my review of Resident Evil 2, this will be spoiler free for those who are yet to return to Raccoon City.

As a fan of single player games it is such a pleasure to see absolute classics being resurrected for the current generation of hardware, and gamers.

Are you ready to return to Raccoon City once more? Trust me. The scares are real, especially alone at midnight, in the dark, wearing headphones…

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GamingByte Size ReviewGame ReviewsPS4Xbox One

Warriors Orochi 4 – Ultimate Review (Xbox One X)

Following several months after the release of the vanilla edition comes the Ultimate Edition of Warriors Orochi 4. What makes it the Ultimate Edition?

Well the addition of 7 extra characters, that is what. You now have 177 playable characters at you disposal. So basically nothing new here.

For those unfamiliar with the Warriors Orochi series it is a 3rd Person Hack ‘n Slash game based on the Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors games.

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GamingGame ReviewsPC / MacPS4Xbox One

Doom: Eternal, PS4 Review

Back in 2016 when Doom was re-launched by ID Software, it became one of the modern darlings of gamer culture, but I will admit I didn’t get it. I tried, more than once, but I just didn’t see what others saw. But by Lucifer! I am now a convert to the satanic dark arts of Doom: Eternal. I now see the magic!

Doom: Eternal – is a faced paced, strategy shooter

As I type “fast paced, strategy shooter”, I can’t help but think how silly that sounds. But that’s what Doom: Eternal really is. It combines the idea of being liquid death and a thinking man’s shooter…… and it surprised the hell out of me.

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GamingGame ReviewsPC / MacPS3PS4Switch ConsoleVideo ContentXbox Onexbox360

Metro 2033 Redux & Metro Last Light Redux (Nintendo Switch)

I’m not one of these gamers who bleats that every triple A title should come to the Nintendo Switch just because it should. However, Metro 2033 Redux and Last Light make the grade.

No, I’m strongly of the belief that the Switch is best suited to games that make the most of its unique features. In my humble opinion, there have really only been a handful of “AAA” games that have managed to be ported successfully to Nintendo’s handheld in recent times. Among those; The Witcher 3, Doom (2016) and Wolfenstein The New Colossus.

Now you can add 4A Games’ Metro 2033 Redux and Metro Last Light Redux to that list of ports done right.

Set in post-apocalyptic Russia, the Metro games are based on the books by author Dmitry Glukhovsky and focus on Artyom and the survivors he lives with deep in the Moscow metro system. Not forgetting the mysterious Dark Ones that appeared, throwing life into more chaos.

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GamingGame ReviewsPC / MacPS4Switch ConsoleXbox One

Darksiders: Genesis, PS4 Review

We were due to review Darksiders: Genesis late last year on PC, but didn’t have a rig that could run it.

Fast forward to 2020 and here we are with the console version for you to enjoy!

We’re not spoil for choice in this genre, so a quality welcome addition is a good thing. Darksiders: Genesis – is this the beginning of a reboot that’s going places?

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GamingGame ReviewsPS4Xbox One

Bayonetta and Vanquish Review (Xbox One X)

I like this idea, I like it a lot. There are plenty of remasters/re-releases coming out these days, and rightly so. There are more than a few games that NEED to be seen by people new to the gaming scene.

Yes, many will seek out past gems and try them out. But a lo-fi game in a hi-fi world won’t get the same response as it did a decade ago. Making a few tweaks to the visuals is the way to go. Especially to grab the attention of the younger generation. And that is exactly what PlatinumGames have done to their two classics, Bayonetta and Vanquish.

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