Author: Guy

Game ReviewsGamingPS5Xbox Series X

Armoured Core 6: Fires of Rubicon, Review

When I heard “AC6” (Armoured Core 6: Fires of Rubicon) was getting the From Software treatment, I instantly dismissed the prospect of a mech-souls-like, as “not my jam”! BUT….wow, I was wrong in my initial dissmissal.

AC6 is not a souls game in a mech skin. From Software have remembered their roots in the series and created a unique, approachable, and importantly fun title that encourages trial and error, without the soul crushing punishment for just giving something a go.

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GamingGame ReviewsPC / MacPS5Xbox Series SXbox Series X

Aliens: Dark Descent, Review

Set 20 years after the Aliens 3 movie, Dark Descent focusses on Tantalus Base, where a Xenomorph outbreak has occurred.

I controlled a squad of Marines, akin to “The Commander” in XCOM from the crashed command ship, The Otago.

It has some loose similarities to XCOM, except its combat which is a Real-Time Strategy game, not turn based.

It is however a Newt free zone.

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GamingGame ReviewsPC / MacPS5Xbox Series SXbox Series X

Company of Heroes 3, PS5 review

PC Real Time Strategy (RTS) games live and die by their control system when ported to Console.

Company of Heroes 3 (CoH3) has had the gamepad or controller conversion treatment, and pleasingly I can report the experience on PS5 is excellent.

Surprisingly though, it’s actually some of Relic’s single-player design choices that has caused me concern. 

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GamingGame ReviewsPC / MacPS5

Miasma Chronicles, Review

Unfortunately, as a console gamer my platforms of choice don’t equate to a plethora of games in the tactical genre space. So, when I caught wind of the upcoming Miasma Chronicles, I was a happy little tactical camper. 

As soon as I started playing, I fell in love with Miasma Chronicles’ unique spin on the post-apocalypse.

25 hours later…we’re still together.

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GamingPC / MacPS5Xbox Series SXbox Series X

Destiny: Lightfall, Review

Destiny Lightfall, what to say, what to say.

Those who know the Cottage, know I’m the resident Destiny fiend. But over the latter part of 2022, new content was a tad light and I had been jonesing for some new Bungie goodness.

The ‘new goodness’ finally arrived in a new expansion Lightfall and it is overall, excellent.

So lets dive into some details, Guardian.

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GamingGame ReviewsPS5Xbox Series SXbox Series X

Dead Space Remake, Review

I don’t do scary Movies, scary TV or scary Video Games. I just don’t enjoy them, never have…and never will?

Yes indeed, confusion abounds because I love the Dead Space franchise. The sci-fi setting, the stunning graphics and immersive in-game UI all sold me on this niche genre in 2008.

Making Dead Space an all-time fav of my Xbox 360 generation.

Its 2023 and in keeping with the current market trend, EA have seen fit to have Motive Studios “remake” Dead Space… and wow. It is very, very good.

So it should be though, as the bones the remake is built on are just as solid now, as they were 15 years ago. 

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GamingHardwareHardware Reviews

SteelSeries Arctis Nova 7, Review

The new SteelSeries range under the “Arctis Nova” banner have had a good showing thus far at the Cottage.

But up until now its only been the wired models we have looked at, the Nova 7 changes that. Wireless headsets are a complex beast.

But, there is noting to be worried about here, as the SteelSeries pedigree continues with a very solid set of cans. 

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