Game Reviews

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Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, PS4 Review

When Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 was announced, and it was revealed that it would be the first Call of Duty game ever to not feature a single player campaign, I will admit, I drew a breath in surprise.

If it wasn’t for 2018’s God of War, Spider-Man and Read Dead releases, I would have taken this omission of a campaign as a clear hint that singleplayer games are getting ‘Fortnited’ out of existence. But no, it is now clear that Activision have had to priorities development resources to try and jump on the Battle Royale train, while the getting is good.

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Tetris Effect, PS4 Review

Tetris, one of those game history icons. Sonic, Lara, Pac-Man, Space Invaders and Tetris. There are some games even the oldies will know of, it was twenty eight years ago that I first found joy in stacking Tetrominoes, Christmas of 1990 was spent with a weighty original Gameboy in my hands and the incessant tinkling of Tetris blocks dropping into place rattling through my ears.

It’s 2018 now and Tetris just about took the world by storm again.

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Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Review (Xbox One X)

I’m a bit late to the party this time around thanks to a family holiday so many will have played and finished, or added Assassin’s Creed Odyssey to the ‘I’ll come back to it’ pile (come on, we all have one).

To me it screams Assassin’s Creed Origins, new era and location but still very familiar. Now this is not a bad thing as you can read here, but it still stays out to the side of the Assassins and Templars of old. I guess Ubisoft are opening the franchise up and allowing a good game to emerge without staying too true to canon. Lets face it, recent games have all but done away with the Animus and present time sections.

I should just be enjoying Assassin’s Creed Odyssey as a game on its own merits because lets face it, Spartan kicking dudes off a cliff just doesn’t get old.

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Spider-Man: The Heist DLC, PS4 Review

Around six weeks ago, Spider-Man dropped on the Playstation 4 and it was an unbridled success for the platform, selling 3.3 million copies in the first 3 days.

Further to that, the PS4 community have clearly spent hours and hours fulfilling their Spidey fantasy, with the game having one of the highest Platinum Trophy completion rates of any PS4 ‘AAA’ exclusive.

Suffice to say, gamers love Spidey.

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CREED: Rise to Glory, PSVR Review

Creed PSVR is in familiar territory, but stands on its own two feet in the centre of its ring. Giving you the gloves of Adonis Creed the game lets you experience a ‘Rise to Glory’ from training through to a number of increasingly difficult bouts, eventuating in becoming the Super World Supreme Champion of the Galaxy as all American boxers are wont to do.

Creed does not disappoint, the suspension of disbelief that the PSVR delivers is terrific from the first moments in the gym where you experience training in the form of punching mini games through to a nervy first bought, feeling like a rabbit sat in the middle of a busy road.

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Warriors Orochi, PS4 Review

Advisory: I know nothing of the Dynasty Wars, Warriors or Orochi canon.

Ok, I said it, I am ignorant of this series. I’ve seen them, I’ve heard of them, but I have never fully engaged. There may have been a dim past, where I dabbled briefly because I loved the idea of wading through an army with my magical katana, but the button mashing reality was not for me.

So, here we are many years later, there is still some mystical story at the throbbing heart of this game, but like so many narratives it passes me by. The wealth of characters and their emotional ties or motivations are too much for my puny human brain. I like the skip button, I really don’t care about who has the most honour, just throw me out and give me a flashing objective to run at.

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Starlink: Battle for Atlas, PS4 Review

There is a certain magic about something in the ‘real world’ affecting a Video Game. Starlink: Battle for Atlas is the next iteration of the Toys-to-Life idea, which Skylanders and Disney Infinity blazed the trail on during the last generation.

The model ships and attachments are well made, look great and any child would be stoked to not only play with them in-game, but for the ships to take pride of place in a bedroom or playroom.

Simply put, Starlink is the combination of classic sci-fi, cool toys and solid open world video game fun, all wrapped up in a slick Saturday morning cartoon skin. The game has a target audience and that is kids, who will love every part of it…I’m just no sure if parents wallets are going to love it too.

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Astro Bot: Rescue Mission, PSVR Review

Waaaaay back in 2016 as part of the PSVRs launch, there was a little demo about a little robot. He was cute, funny and great fun to play with. But the demo was painfully short and the cries from the burgeoning PSVR audience for a full blown Astro Bot game, were loud and clear.

Well Sony listened, and in conjunction with Japan Studios, they have created one of the best platforming experiences I have personally played in decades.

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Valkyria Chronicles 4 Review (Xbox One X)

This is my first delve into the Valkyria Chronicles and starting with number four has left me playing catch up with the characters and world of the Federation and the Empire. And being a hugely story driven game I really do feel at a disadvantage.

I get that it is fictional, Japanese, and aimed at a certain market but I just can not warm to the characters at all. Even in their totally impractical, and inappropriate, uniforms…

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Game ReviewsGamingXbox One

State of Decay 2 – Daybreak Pack (Xbox One X)

Daybreak is the first real add on for Undead Labs great zombie survival game, State of Decay 2. There have been some weapons and cars made available via DLC, but nothing substantial.

Now six months after the initial game release will have seen most gamers, including myself, having moved on from State of Decay 2. And with so many great releases recently and in the near future it would have to be something pretty spectacular to draw gamers back in.

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Game ReviewsGamingXbox One

Forza Horizon 4 Review (Xbox One X)

This time round we find the Horizon Festival taking place in the UK, near Edinburgh, and the big talking point is seasons. Different seasons bring different weather and, of course, different driving conditions.

It’s Forza Horizon. We all know it, we all love it. The fourth release in the series does not disappoint. It is more refined, more social, and most importantly more open.

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