GamingByte Size ReviewiOSPS4Switch Console

New Star Manager, PS4 Review

There will always be room for more takes on soccer manager genre, at least there is if you’ve ever let one get its hooks into you.

For me the Holy Grail has always been CM97/98, many wasted weekends as nights turned to mornings and you’d catch an hour of sleep while a creaky 386 PC ground out the close season update. There have been all sorts of attempts to capture that lightning, sometimes they have just been too complex for their own good.

New Star Manager brings a fresh take and more importantly for consoles a better user interface than suits the medium. No more snapping to and fro between far too many icons, no more floaty cursors relying on your thumbstick that wished it was a mouse, you have to appreciate the design path going from mobile to Switch before PS4 being one of the core drivers here.

New Star is a relaxed and enjoyable take on the manager sim, the pace is fairly pedestrian which makes it a top-corner chill-out game and the mini games along with the in-match controls have raised more than a few smiles in my dugout.

If you are looking for something different that tickles your soccer fantasies, I’d be giving New Star a run out, new signings, fresh legs and all that.

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Byte Size ReviewGamingIndie GameiOSPC / Mac

Byte Size – Objects in Space Review (PC)

Objects in Space from the self proclaimed smallest of the small game developers, Flat Earth Games, is so strangely familiar to me and any gamers who played through the 1990’s will no doubt feel pangs of good old retro revival.

The Good – Upgrades to not only your ship but also pretty much every subsystem, along with trading, bounties, exploration, and combat makes for a really full on experience. And because of the gameplay, I found Objects in Space to be quite relaxing to play.

The Bad – For me the biggest hurdle was the font used for communications. When dealing with traders and the likes I found myself having to give my eyes a rest after each paragraph or so.

The Overwhelming – As mentioned, there is a fair amount to take on in Objects in Space, you can just stay in safe systems and trade your way to riches or head out to the new worlds, a much more dangerous affair. Then you have upgrades, trade prices, navigation, repairs, the list is endless in the life of a solo space captain.

Closing Comments – As we say down here in New Zealand and Australia, bit of a Marmite game this one. You will either love it or hate it.

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HardwareHardware ReviewsiOSVideo Content

Vector by Anki, review

In the late 70’s I grew up watching Gil Gerard save the day as Buck Rodgers in the 25th Century, while the nuances of plot may have been lost on me one indelible mark was left. 

I wanted a robot pal. I wanted my own Twiki, an independent automation that could be my faithful friend through thick and thin. Well forty years later here we are, me and Vector.

Vector is the latest must have gadget from the creative gang at Ankhi, a natural successor to the Cosmo robot that popped up a couple of years ago he has more going for him technically with a laundry list of tech squashed into his cute roving body.

I guess the burning question is, this. Are Robots just for Christmas?

According to Anki, “Vector is the Robot to Life with”. Cute.

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Feature ArticleiOSPodcastsPS4PSNetworkPSVR

Podcast Recommendations

Sorry for the gap between posts Team KC, but I have a goodie for you this time, especially for you Playstation Gamers out there.

THIS WEEK it’s Sacred Symbols: A Playstation Podcast from gaming media veteran Colin Moriarty. Right or Left Politics and online controversy stuff aside, Colin is still one of the great deep thinkers in Video Games and it is a pleasure to have him back sharing his thoughts about all things Playstation.

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Feature ArticleiOSPodcasts

Podcast Recommendations

Hey there Team KC, time for a Video Games podcast that can hit your ears on a daily basis.

THIS WEEK it’s Kinda Funny Games Daily from the Kinda Funny Team. Since the departure of Colin Moriarty from Kinda Funny, I have struggled to stick with them, however with the recent additions of industry vets -Andrea Renee, Gary ‘The Rogue One’ Whitta and Jared Petty…the whole show/platform has had a new lease of life as a result.

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Feature ArticleiOSPodcasts

Podcast Recommendations

THIS WEEK it’s Guardian Radio -Now, I love Destiny, but like much of the player base, I have moved onto other things for the time being. That said, Bungie is quietly…and slowly…working away on improvements.

So, to keep up with the patches and changes, I still tune in every week to the Guardians to hear what the latest patches hold and where the ‘meta’ is going.

If you are a Destiny fan who plans to return at some stage, these guys are still a fun listen.

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Feature ArticleiOSPodcasts

Podcast Recommendations

Righto KC team, this weeks podcast isn’t Video Games related. It is actually care of the BBC. However, it is not crusty, old and behind the times. In fact, listening to this 20min podcast will have you up to speed on all sorts of issues of the day.

As always, it flows both ways. Make sure you hit me up on Twitter @nzBrowncoat  or in the comments with your own favorite listens.

THIS WEEK it’s The Inquiry from the BBC World Service.

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Feature ArticleiOSPodcasts

Podcast Recommendations

Righto KC team, here is another Podcast for your ear-holes. Keep an eye out for next weeks one, it won’t be gaming related…….and it may even teach you something (gasp).

Remember it flows both ways. Make sure you hit me up on Twitter @nzBrowncoat  or in the comments with your own favorite listens.

THIS WEEK it’s the DLC Podcast hosted by Jeff Cannata and Christian Spicer. They are a mainstay of my week, out every Tuesday (in NZ) and are a great listen with usually a different guest every week. They love, loving things.

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Feature ArticleiOSPodcasts

Podcast Recommendations

I am an avid consumer of Podcasts. Mainly ones that are Video Game or Gaming Culture related, but also a few from outside the sphere of games too.

So each week or so…. depending on free time, I’m going to chuck up a recommended Podcast that I think the KC audience might like.

But it flows both ways. Make sure you hit me up on Twitter @nzBrowncoat  or in the comments with your own favorite listens.

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