Xbox Series X

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Call of Duty Vanguard, PS5 Review

Call of Duty : Vanguard, being the 2021 annual entry to the series Dylan takes us back to WWII to battle latency, with or without Zombies.

Until Vanguard, my relationship with shooters has simmered the last few years. I used to love them. Loved those AA and AAA shooters. I loved CoD 2 – the house-to-house fighting still jostles inside my gaming memories for prime position.

I loved Wolfenstein and Rise of the Triad and Doom and Quake and Singularity and even Timeshift. I’ve enjoyed quite a few Calls of Duty. I even got sent to LA to preview Black Ops 3.

We played MW3 on the morning of my wedding to take our minds off the day. But since then, I’ve just kinda . . . not played many.

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Guardians of the Galaxy, PS5 Review

I had very little basis to be as hyped as I was for the new Guardians of the Galaxy game.

The E3 trailer looked pretty good, even if Star-Lord was presented as bit of a “dude-bro” and the dev team (of modern Deus Ex fame) have a reasonable pedigree in the AAA space. But I had concerns as the Comic book, super-hero genre is hard to get right.

However…against the odds Eidos Montreal crushed it!

With an absolutely fantastic Marvel game and some of the best characters I have experienced since Mass Effect.

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Sniper Ghost Warrior: Contracts 2, PS5 Review

Another Guest Spot from our resident Rainbow 6 gamer-girl. Nina has taken a break from clearing rooms in CQB, and dipped into some long distance combat with this review of the new Sniper Ghost Warrior.

When I was presented with Sniper Ghost Warrior: Contracts 2 to play, I admit I was apathetic at best. It was a series I’d never played, from a studio I’d never heard of, tackling a genre I’d never been really interested in. But after sinking 15-20 hours of playtime into this game, I am more than happy to say that (we will just call it “Sniper” going forward) has totally exceeded my expectations.

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GamingHardwareHardware ReviewsPC / MacPS5Xbox Series X


H6PRO comes in a couple of variants, today we’re looking at the ‘Closed Accoustic Gaming Headset’. EPOS have been delivering quite the range of quality headsets over recent times and the H6PRO is a welcome addition.

In a wireless world it sometimes feels a step backwards going for a wired solution. The EPOS build quality is unmistakable, it’s obvious that the headset is built to last. The H6Pro is solid, light and moving parts all feel spot on.

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Game ReviewsGame PassGamingMicrosoftXbox Series SXbox Series X

Forza Horizon 5 Review (XSX)

nd the first Forza Motorsport on the original Xbox, it had me hooked. But then in 2012 came the first Forza Horizon on the Xbox 360.

It was the Horizon Series that reeled me in. The freedom and forgiveness that Horizon has over its Motorsport brother is far more to my liking, and driving style. And here we are now in 2021 with the fifth instalment in the Forza Horizon franchise.

Viva Mexico! 

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GamingGame ReviewsPC / MacPS5Switch ConsoleXbox Series X

Diablo II – Resurrected

Switch code for Diablo II Resurrected because I don’t need to see it in 4k. Also, I don’t need whiz-bang-Direct-38-high-dynamic-apples. I am happy to play a 20-year-old game in my hands, and I like Diablo a lot without being hardcore about it. I regularly peek into Diablo forums and am greeted with gobbledy-gook terms and verbs that mean absolutely nothing to me.

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Game ReviewsGame PassGamingPC / MacPS5Xbox OneXbox Series SXbox Series X

Back 4 Blood Review (XSX)

many are calling a spiritual successor in the form of Back 4 Blood. Developer Turtle Rock Studios (renamed as Valve South) are the team behind the Left 4 Dead games and even the format of the game name points towards a sequel to Left 4 Dead.

But thanks to Copyright/Ownership/Politics Turtle Rock Studios in its current form had to create a ‘new’ IP. And so Back 4 Blood is born.

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GamingByte Size ReviewPC / MacPS5Xbox Series X

Alan Wake Remastered: Have torch, will travel

Alan Wake is not your typical video game hero.

He’s not a former soldier skilled in the art of warfare or a wronged man out for revenge: He’s a writer in a tweed sports jacket with leather elbow pads (over the top of a hoodie) who runs out of puff after he’s sprinted for a few seconds. He’s an every day man.

Alice. He’s hoping to cure the writer’s block that has stifled his creative flow for two years but he quickly finds out that all is not what it seems in this seemingly sleepy town.

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GamingGame ReviewsPC / MacPS5Xbox Series X

Insurgency: Sandstorm, PS4/PS5 Review

Rainbow 6 has become a toxic, fluro-laiden, run and gun fest. Ghost Recon is now a soulless open-world monstrosity which as of last week is set to become of all things, a Battle Royale!? And Splinter Cell has been missing in action for almost a decade. What I’m getting at is that the goods on offer for the Tactical console gamer are slim pickings at the moment.

But thankfully dear squad mates, I have good news! Insurgency: Sandstorm has finally migrated from PC to the console and there is now some solid tactical shooter goodness to be had.

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GamingGame ReviewsPC / MacPS4PS5Switch ConsoleXbox Series SXbox Series X

Hot Wheels Unleashed, PS5 Review

Well, the cars are the stars. It’s that simple, yes its a sturdy arcade style racer that’s accessible and entertaining, but grinding the collectible and familiar cars. That’s where it’s at.

It’s a cool game, with fun bells and whistles. I really like the concept, I don’t like getting frustrated at certain things. There is a buzz attached to finding a rare car, but under the hood, they’re not that different. Although I tend to melt them for Gear Bits or coins to upgrade or buy something else.

Hot Wheels Unleashed has plenty of fun factor for now, I just can’t see it staying exciting for long.

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Far Cry 6, PS5 Review

not looking forward to Far Cry 6 at all. I haven’t been interested in a Far Cry game since the brilliant Far Cry 3. I’m happy to say Far Cry 6 has grabbed me in a big way and it is great fun.

There is no great mystery around what sort of game and genre Far Cry 6 is. It’s an FPS open-world action game. Exactly like all those that have come before. This time round it is set in a fictional Caribbean archipelago called Yara, which for all intents and purposes, is Cuba. Ruled by the ruthless “El Presidente” Antón Castillo played by Giancarlo Esposito. Yara is controlled by his military and as expected, there is a grass-roots resistance movement. Which it turns out needs my special ‘Guerrilla’ gamer skills to overthrow the “El Presidente”!

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