Game Reviews

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Frostpunk – Console Edition Review (Xbox One X)

The year is 1886 and thanks to massive volcanic eruptions the world is plunging into anther Ice Age.

Man scrambles and builds massive coal powered generators to try and create enough heat to establish areas where humans can continue to live in this harsh new world. But resources are scarce and plenty are needed to ensure people are fed and sheltered. In Frostpunk you need to decide on the priorities and whether it will be order or faith that will see you through.

It is good solid fun. Nothing more, nothing less.

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GamingGame ReviewsPS4PSNetworkPSVRVideo Content

Concrete Genie Review, PS4

Only last week my wife was watching me play another game and she asked ‘why is it always shooting’? Sadly I knew exactly what she meant, then I fired up my Concrete Genie review code and we both got lost for a few hours.

First party developers Pixelopus have created something new and unique, a game that drips with charm and subtlety. It is fair to say although short by some standards Concrete Genie is a beautiful experience that lifts your spirit.

Concrete Genie tells the tale of a boy saving his hometown Denska from darkness with magical graffiti. It is beautiful, colourful and enriching.

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GamingGame ReviewsPC / Mac

Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones Review (PC)

Before getting into modern console gaming I grew up playing cRPG’s like Baldurs Gate, Fallout, Planescape Torment, and Arcanum on the PC.

The play style and isometric view point used in these classics are attributes I hold dear to my heart. So when Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones appeared on the scene, it definitely got my interest. So much so, it made moving back into the office chair from the couch very easy.

But first, a big warning. This is a game for adults. And even some adults may find some of the content offensive. Trust me, I am not easily offended but one conversation with a prostitute even had me taken back.

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GamingGame ReviewsPC / MacPS4Xbox One

Greedfall: Colonialism in the New World

When it comes to games from publisher Focus Interactive, you sometimes expect things to be a little rough around the edges. Greedfall is no exception, an action RPG set in the 17th Century where colonialism is spreading through the new world.

Sure, it’s a little rough around the edges, but it does have charm that grows on you as you progress.

I guess Greedfall could best be likened to a game like CD Projekt Red’s The Witcher series. Where combat and diplomacy play key roles as you explore towns and other locations in the New World of Ter Fradee. Discovering its secrets – and the cure for a strange affliction called the malichor.

Players control diplomat De Sardet, an emissary of the congregation of merchants. He’s a likeable chap, if I’m being honest, with a cheeky charm and attitude that is instantly endearing.

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Game ReviewsGamingPS4Switch ConsoleXbox One

NBA 2K20, PS4 Review

I’m not a huge player of Video Games in the Sports genre, so loading up NBA 2K20 was very much a fresh experience for me.  I came to learn two things about the current state of AAA sports games.

They look and feel amazing to play, with a perfect balance of fun and realism I never thought Video Games would or could achieve and secondly, that micro-transactions seem to have permeated every facet of the genre.

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GamingGame PassGame ReviewsXbox One

Gears 5 Review – Spoiler Free (Xbox One X)

Now, the first thing you may have noticed is that the Gears seem to have lost their ‘of War’ tag. But don’t fret, Gears 5 is well and truly the next installment in the fantastic Gears of War series. And lets just get it out there, it’s a good’un.

Following on from Gears of War 4, Gears 5 has Kait Diaz taking the lead role with all you favourite characters in support, including Jack, the ever helpful robot.  That is all I will say about the story and characters as it is a fantastic, and emotional ride that everyone deserves to enjoy unspoilt. I have even moved away from my own screenshots and used generic promotional shots so nothing can ruin it for you.

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GamingGame ReviewsPC / MacPS4Xbox One

Control, PS4 Review

Control is different to other games I have played this year, yet it still feels very familiar, like a sort of comfort food.

The reality of what is actually happening in Control is like an incomplete painting, masterfully placed just out of reach.

I kept pushing onwards, throughout the game, trying to grasp what the hell is actually going on in this contorted world. It was mind-bendingly magical.  Remedy and 505 Games have made a confusing, engrossing and strangely approachable title….. and I loved every damn minute of it.

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Game ReviewsGamingPC / Mac

Rebel Galaxy Outlaw Review (PC)

Elite, Wing Commander: Privateer, and Freelancer are games I grew up with and still have fond memories of. Many have tried to recreate, or even reinvent, the open galaxy space trader mercenary game (No Man’s Sky) and many haven’t quite hit the mark. Take the stage Rebel Galaxy Outlaw.

Well, all hail Double Damage Games, they have nailed it, really, really nailed it.

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Wolfenstein: Youngblood, PS4 Review

I’ll be honest, this has been a tricky Review to work on. Wolfenstein: Youngblood, thanks to collaborative talents of Arkane Studios and Machine Games, is a weird mash-up of video game ideas that I could have loved.

However due to poor characters, bad gameplay mechanics and literally idiotic design choices around a reliance on Co-Op, I grew to seriously dislike this series off-shoot.

Even the franchises you love can have bad days…

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Game ReviewsGamingPS4Xbox One

Attack on Titan 2 – Final Battle Review (Xbox One X)

To be honest, I’m not sure what I just played… when you enter the land under constant threat from the Titans. And unless you are have seen the Anime series of the same name I’m willing to bet that you will have the same ‘What the hell?!?!’ moment I had.

I guess you could could call A.O.T.2 – Final Battle the ‘Lady Gaga in a meat suit’ of gaming. It is pretty good at what it does, but really? What are you thinking???

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